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What we believe.

Our core belief is that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of the world. We are on mission to spread the gospel, and creatively demonstrate our faith authentically in our lives.  We firmly believe in grace and allowing people the ability and opportunity to grow and develop as individuals in faith.  

Who we are.

We do not expect members to be perfect, rather church for us means encouraging one another as disciples of Jesus Christ. Discipleship means learning to love God and love others the way Jesus does and teaches. As a church, we speak to the inclusivity, hospitality, equality and the embodiment of "a church for all people."


What we do.

Westminster Church of Detroit is called to be an evolving, spirit-led church, where we teach, learn and demonstrate faith in loving action and proclaim the good news of Christ to all.  We also believe that God calls us to be the best neighbors possible for those near and far. There are plenty of opportunities to serve and support our vibrant and numerous Mission programs such as Hunger Ministries, Ark, the Sewing Ministry, 4-H Manners, etc.  

We are a church for all people.


There is a place here for you.

"So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!"

2 Corinthians 5:17



of Detroit

17567 Hubbell Ave., Detroit, MI 48235

(313) 341-2697

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