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Image by Pro Church Media

Thanksgiving Dinner

Every year, WCOD prepares Thanksgiving dinners which are distributed to assisted living and nursing homes, and to people with food insecurities.   WCOD has been offering this important ministry to communities in metro Detroit for over 41 years.   


Many volunteers are needed during the week of Thanksgiving to help prepare and cook the meals, package and deliver the meals and clean up afterward.  There are many different days and shifts to choose from.  Click here to sign up. 

Many hands make light work!


RESPOND Food Program

Nutritious lunches served to the elderly, the lonely, families and individuals with needs, the homeless, and adult foster care residents. We serve meals on most first and third Saturdays at 12:00 noon. Call the Westminster church office Monday through Friday before 3:00 to check which Saturdays we are open.



To create awareness and generate funds to feed the hungry. This strategy provides opportunities, support, advocacy, and hands-on ministries year round. The program allows us to address the root causes of hunger with small coins to create tremendous impact.

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Berkho Scholarship for College Students

Each year, WCOD is pleased to offer at least four (4) scholarships each in the amount of $2,500 to support expenses related to the attainment of postsecondary education to  eligible applicants.  Applications must be a member or attend WCOD or live in the WCOD neighborhood.  The deadline to submit an application is Monday, April 15, 2024.  Click here to download an application.


Emergency Food Referral

We assist people with needs by linking and networking with congregations, agencies, and organizations in our communities to provide various types of help, assistance, and support throughout the metro-Detroit area.


Pop Tab - Ronald McDonald House

We collect pop tabs for The Ronald McDonald House Charities Detroit, Pop Tab Program. This important program provides extra revenue for them that helps make up for the donations that families cannot make when they stay.   Every year the Ronald McDonald House in Detroit serves nearly 2,000 families offering them a place of rest, privacy, and comfort at a time when they need it the most. Please continue to bring pull tabs of any size and any amount and place them in the labeled container located on the table outside the church office.

A church
for all people.




of Detroit.

17567 Hubbell Ave., Detroit, MI 48235

(313) 341-2697

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