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 Children's Programs

Sunday School Lite 
Sunday, August 8th - September 8th


The children gather in the sanctuary and leave after the Passing of the Peace.  In the classroom, we will learn about the healing and miracles of Jesus, and then head to Calvin Hall for an activity, snack and then outside for games, weather permitting.  Children of all ages and abilities are encouraged to attend and lessons and activities will be modified for their abilities.





At Westminster Church we welcome children of all ages as integral members of the body of Christ.  We welcome the sounds and activity that they bring to our worship services, and are happy to provide a special area for young children to learn and play in our sanctuary. Every Sunday during worship, children are invited to a special area in the sanctuary where they can play and do quiet activities and still be a part of the worshiping community.  Parents are asked to sit close to the Prayground to monitor their children.

Faith Formation

Faith formation is essential to life at Westminster Church.  Children in preschool through fifth grade are encouraged to attend Sunday School, where they will get to know Jesus, grow in faith, and learn about sharing the love of God through words and actions.  Dedicated volunteer teachers work hard to teach the love of Jesus each week.  Thanks to these special leaders our children feel a sense of belonging, love, friendship, joy, and purpose.  In other words, they feel God.


Sunday School

During the school year, our Children’s Sunday School runs every Sunday except for the first Sunday of each month.  After spending time in our 10am worship service the children and their teachers are excused during the Passing of the Peace to go to their classroom and continue to learn and worship God.

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